Conditionals 2.
Conditionals 2.
We extend the language of conditionals from the previous example by adding the keyword “else”. This allows conditionals to ask two or more sequential questions, each with a different action.
size(640, 360); background(0); for (int i = 2; i < width-2; i += 2) { // If 'i' divides by 20 with no remainder if ((i % 20) == 0) { stroke(255); line(i, 80, i, height/2); // If 'i' divides by 10 with no remainder } else if ((i % 10) == 0) { stroke(153); line(i, 20, i, 180); // If neither of the above two conditions are met // then draw this line } else { stroke(102); line(i, height/2, i, height-20); } }
Functions Used
The background() function sets the color used for the background of the Processing window
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