Lesson 1 What is a Program?
Lesson 2 Opening Processing
Lesson 3 Writing our first program
Lesson 4 Parts of an instruction
Lesson 5 Drawing more shapes
Lesson 6 Placing things on the screen
Lesson 7 Black, White, and In Between
Lesson 8 Color
Lesson 9 Fill, Stroke, and Background
Lesson 10 Variables
Lesson 11 Making the Screen Bigger
Lesson 12 Modifying Variables
Lesson 13 Functions
Lesson 14 Animations
Lesson 15 Let's make a game


Use these example Processing programs to learn more about processing


Learn more about the functions in Processing


abs() Calculates the absolute value (magnitude) of a number
atan2() Calculates the angle (in radians) from a specified point to the coordinate origin as measured from the positive x-axis
ceil() Calculates the closest int value that is greater than or equal to the value of the parameter
constrain() Constrains a value to not exceed a maximum and minimum value
cos() Calculates the cosine of an angle
dist() Calculates the distance between two points
lerp() Calculates a number between two numbers at a specific increment
mag() Calculates the magnitude (or length) of a vector
map() Re-maps a number from one range to another
max() Determines the largest value in a sequence of numbers, and then returns that value
min() Determines the smallest value in a sequence of numbers, and then returns that value
noise() Returns the Perlin noise value at specified coordinates
norm() Normalizes a number from another range into a value between 0 and 1
pow() Facilitates exponential expressions
PVector A class to describe a two or three dimensional vector, specifically a Euclidean (also known as geometric) vector
radians() Converts a degree measurement to its corresponding value in radians
random() Generates random numbers
randomGaussian() Returns a float from a random series of numbers having a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1
sin() Calculates the sine of an angle
sq() Squares a number (multiplies a number by itself)
sqrt() Calculates the square root of a number


arc() Draws an arc to the screen
beginShape() Using the beginShape() and endShape() functions allow creating more complex forms
bezier() Draws a Bezier curve on the screen
bezierVertex() Specifies vertex coordinates for Bezier curves
ellipse() Draws an ellipse (oval) to the screen
ellipseMode() Modifies the location from which ellipses are drawn by changing the way in which parameters given to ellipse() are intepreted
endShape() The endShape() function is the companion to beginShape() and may only be called after beginShape()
line() Draws a line (a direct path between two points) to the screen
point() Draws a point, a coordinate in space at the dimension of one pixel
PShape Datatype for storing shapes
quad() A quad is a quadrilateral, a four sided polygon
rect() Draws a rectangle to the screen
rectMode() Modifies the location from which rectangles are drawn by changing the way in which parameters given to rect() are intepreted
strokeCap() Sets the style for rendering line endings
strokeWeight() Sets the width of the stroke used for lines, points, and the border around shapes
triangle() A triangle is a plane created by connecting three points
vertex() All shapes are constructed by connecting a series of vertices


background() The background() function sets the color used for the background of the Processing window
color() Creates colors for storing in variables of the color datatype
colorMode() Changes the way Processing interprets color data
fill() Sets the color used to fill shapes
lerpColor() Calculates a color between two colors at a specific increment
noFill() Disables filling geometry
noStroke() Disables drawing the stroke (outline)
stroke() Sets the color used to draw lines and borders around shapes


byte Datatype for bytes, 8 bits of information storing numerical values from 127 to -128
float Data type for floating-point numbers, e
int Datatype for integers, numbers without a decimal point


copy() Copies a region of pixels from the display window to another area of the display window and copies a region of pixels from an image used as the srcImg parameter into the display window
createImage() Creates a new PImage (the datatype for storing images)
get() Reads the color of any pixel or grabs a section of an image
image() The image() function draws an image to the display window
loadPixels() Loads a snapshot of the current display window into the pixels[] array
set() Changes the color of any pixel, or writes an image directly to the display window
updatePixels() Updates the display window with the data in the pixels[] array


createGraphics() Creates and returns a new PGraphics object


. (dot) Provides access to an object's methods and data
draw() Called directly after setup(), the draw() function continuously executes the lines of code contained inside its block until the program is stopped or noLoop() is called
loop() By default, Processing loops through draw() continuously, executing the code within it
noLoop() Stops Processing from continuously executing the code within draw()
redraw() Executes the code within draw() one time
setup() The setup() function is run once, when the program starts
super Keyword used to reference the superclass of a subclass


for Controls a sequence of repetitions
if Allows the program to make a decision about which code to execute


frameRate The system variable frameRate contains the approximate frame rate of a running sketch
noSmooth() Draws all geometry and fonts with jagged (aliased) edges and images when hard edges between the pixels when enlarged rather than interpoloating pixels
size() Defines the dimension of the display window width and height in units of pixels


hour() Processing communicates with the clock on your computer
keyPressed() The keyPressed() function is called once every time a key is pressed
keyTyped() The keyTyped() function is called once every time a key is pressed, but action keys such as Ctrl, Shift, and Alt are ignored
millis() Returns the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) since starting the program
minute() Processing communicates with the clock on your computer
mouseDragged() The mouseDragged() function is called once every time the mouse moves while a mouse button is pressed
mousePressed() The mousePressed() function is called once after every time a mouse button is pressed
mouseReleased() The mouseReleased() function is called every time a mouse button is released
mouseX The system variable mouseX always contains the current horizontal coordinate of the mouse
mouseY The system variable mouseY always contains the current vertical coordinate of the mouse
second() Processing communicates with the clock on your computer


popMatrix() Pops the current transformation matrix off the matrix stack
pushMatrix() Pushes the current transformation matrix onto the matrix stack
rotate() Rotates the amount specified by the angle parameter
scale() Increases or decreases the size of a shape by expanding and contracting vertices
translate() Specifies an amount to displace objects within the display window


println() The println() function writes to the console area, the black rectangle at the bottom of the Processing environment


text() Draws text to the screen
textAlign() Sets the current alignment for drawing text
textAscent() Returns ascent of the current font at its current size
textDescent() Returns descent of the current font at its current size
textFont() Sets the current font that will be drawn with the text() function
textSize() Sets the current font size
textWidth() Calculates and returns the width of any character or text string


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