Moving On Curves.

Moving On Curves.

In this example, the circles moves along the curve y = x^4. Click the mouse to have it move to a new position.

float beginX = 20.0;  // Initial x-coordinate
float beginY = 10.0;  // Initial y-coordinate
float endX = 570.0;   // Final x-coordinate
float endY = 320.0;   // Final y-coordinate
float distX;          // X-axis distance to move
float distY;          // Y-axis distance to move
float exponent = 4;   // Determines the curve
float x = 0.0;        // Current x-coordinate
float y = 0.0;        // Current y-coordinate
float step = 0.01;    // Size of each step along the path
float pct = 0.0;      // Percentage traveled (0.0 to 1.0)

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  distX = endX - beginX;
  distY = endY - beginY;

void draw() {
  fill(0, 2);
  rect(0, 0, width, height);
  pct += step;
  if (pct < 1.0) {
    x = beginX + (pct * distX);
    y = beginY + (pow(pct, exponent) * distY);
  ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);

void mousePressed() {
  pct = 0.0;
  beginX = x;
  beginY = y;
  endX = mouseX;
  endY = mouseY;
  distX = endX - beginX;
  distY = endY - beginY;

Functions Used


Sets the color used to fill shapes

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Facilitates exponential expressions

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Defines the dimension of the display window width and height in units of pixels

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Draws an ellipse (oval) to the screen

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Draws a rectangle to the screen

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The setup() function is run once, when the program starts

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Called directly after setup(), the draw() function continuously executes the lines of code contained inside its block until the program is stopped or noLoop() is called

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The mousePressed() function is called once after every time a mouse button is pressed

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Disables drawing the stroke (outline)

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