Operator Precedence
Operator Precedence
If you don’t explicitly state the order in which an expression is evaluated, they are evaluated based on the operator precedence. For example, in the statement “4+28”, the 2 will first be multiplied by 8 and then the result will be added to 4. This is because the “” has a higher precedence than the “+”. To avoid ambiguity in reading the program, it is recommended that is statement is written as “4+(2*8)”. The order of evaluation can be controlled through placement of parenthesis in the code. A table of operator precedence follows below.
// The highest precedence is at the top of the list and // the lowest is at the bottom. // Multiplicative: * / % // Additive: + - // Relational: < > <= >= // Equality: == != // Logical AND: && // Logical OR: || // Assignment: = += -= *= /= %= size(640, 360); background(51); noFill(); stroke(51); stroke(204); for(int i=0; i< width-20; i+= 4) { // The 30 is added to 70 and then evaluated // if it is greater than the current value of "i" // For clarity, write as "if (i > (30 + 70)) {" if (i > 30 + 70) { line(i, 0, i, 50); } } stroke(255); // The 2 is multiplied by the 8 and the result is added to the 4 // For clarity, write as "rect(5 + (2 * 8), 0, 90, 20);" rect(4 + 2 * 8, 52, 290, 48); rect((4 + 2) * 8, 100, 290, 49); stroke(153); for (int i = 0; i < width; i+= 2) { // The relational statements are evaluated // first, and then the logical AND statements and // finally the logical OR. For clarity, write as: // "if(((i > 20) && (i < 50)) || ((i > 100) && (i < width-20))) {" if (i > 20 && i < 50 || i > 100 && i < width-20) { line(i, 151, i, height-1); } }
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The background() function sets the color used for the background of the Processing window
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